Thursday, November 10, 2011

Its the end of the world as we know it

It is for me anyway.  Why? Let me tell you.

Wind moves from an area of higher barometric pressure to one of lower barometric pressure. It also moves in a circle but ignore that for now. The greater the pressure differential the stronger the wind. Several times a year a strong high forms over the Great Basin area usually in the 1026-1035 millibar range. Down here in sunny Mazatlan the usual pressure is somewhere around 1010.

On Monday such a high did form and by evening we had 15-25 kts of wind here in Mazatlan. That in its self is not too big a deal. Everyone just hunkers down and waits it out. This time in addition to the big blow there was a storm in Southern California. The wind pushed the cold air in California down to us in formerly hot and sunny Mazatlan. Now don’t get me wrong. Its not snowing or anything here but temperatures have dropped a good 15 degrees.

The net for me is that for the first time this year I have had to turn on the hot water when I take my evening shower. This happens every year, its no surprise but does mark the beginning of the end of the really warm weather. I really like warm weather.

By tomorrow the high will have moved off and things will be back to normal. It will warm up again but not quite as warm as it was before the blow. In another 3 weeks or so a high will form over the Great Basin and we will do it all over again.

It’s the end of the world as far as I am concerned.

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