Thursday, February 02, 2012

Slacker Power & Light

On  of the reasons we traded our Honda 1000 for a 2000 was to power a larger battery charger.  Well I finally got the new changer installed.  To really complicate things I decided to keep the 30 amp charger in addition to the 55 amp I was installing.  Why you ask?  Well, you got to have a spare and why not have it aleady in place? 
Of course this required a remodel of the entire area. 

Left to right;
Iota 30 amp charger with breaker
Iota 55 amp charger with breaker
BlueSea fuse panel for "always on" circuit's
50 amp breaker for ham radio
125 amp breaker tying all this to the house batteries
Not shown but on that same wall are the Icom tuner and C40 solar regulator.
The manual bilge pump hose removed for claritity.  I would really like to relocate that pump some day.

All of this is in the starboard cockpit locker, nice and dry. 

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