Sunday, November 04, 2012

Dia de los Muertos

After 1 week in the boat yard we got back in the water just in time to enjoy the Dia de los Muertos march here in old Mazatlan.  Every year we march with the crowd around the center of town, chase the donkey carts and the free Pacifico beer.  The crowds were bigger than ever this year and the costumes much more elaborate.   It is always a fun tradition.

Julie and her sister



One of the little girls watching the people go by

The donkey is checking out the costumes

"more beer!!"

someone got so excited following the beer carts they lost a shoe!

A proud man and his burro

"ME, ME, ME,!!!"


S/V Nakia said...

Linda and I were watching some TV coverage of the parade last night and saw Mike in the background. IN HD! Ha!

S/V Nakia said...

Linda and I were watching some TV coverage of the parade last night and saw Mike in the background. IN HD! Ha!