Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunset horn in Barra Lagoon

Mike and his new conch shell horn signaling the end of another day in paradise.
Barra Lagoon 


Sheena said...

THat is the coolest thing ever!!!

Gitte Bushby said...

Hi Julie and Mike. Impressive lungs you have, Mike. Great to hear from you. We are in Puerto Azol, Costa Rica, just arrived from home. We found that the boat had been broken into and "everybody" around is innocent.... This is central America! we are sorting it now but it takes a lot of patience and diplomacy, and possibly ?six weeks or more. Hope you are both well. We liked Barre. We are heading south. Was Slacker, the cat, okay?
Gitte and David.

Rene & Michael said...

NICE!! Wish we were there with you guys....

Lovelyreta said... have got a set of lungs.